This is asinine. Whatever you need support wise - know your community is behind you !

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What a little, little man.

I'm sorry for the emotional toll that all of this is taking, but I hope you feel strong and confident in knowing that telling the truth is never criminal. You're a hero.

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May 24·edited May 24

I don't know this fellow, but one of the 'not enough' things I have learned is that the rich and powerful are used to getting their way. I was once threatened with a C&D order from a very large and powerful Japanese musical instrument and motorcycle manufacturing company. (yes, THAT one). Their mistake was they expected me to back down!!

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Firstly, I want to say please continue to care for yourself and your family. This is a horrifying situation for a school to put a student in. I am pleased that you have had enough support, legal and emotional, to continue to advocate for yourself. You should not have had to do this to receive what you have EARNED, but more generally, what any human being would be entitled to. And thus, your advocacy will make the future better for those who come after you. On their behalf, thank you. I just want to end by expressing my fervent support, for whatever it is worth, and will do what I can to amplify your message. As an adjunct at a university and member of an orchestra, I want to know more and ensure I, and my organizations, are going to do better.

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I am saddened and distressed that an institution I admire and support so deeply is responding in this way.

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